Friday, February 28, 2014


1. What is your knowledge of Joseph Kony and the LRA?

2. How did the Kony 2012 movement catch your awareness of what was happening?

3. What scares you most about Kony and his army?

4.What would you say to a girl/boy in Africa who was your age who had faced horrors like these?

5.What do you think drives a person to commit mass genocide or murder like this or one that have existed in the past?

Steps of Genocide

Step 1: Classification
Children of African families.

Step 3: Dehumanization
Mutilation of faces, abducting, sex slaves

Step 4: Organization
Strengthening the LRA

Step 6: Preparation
Training child soldiers

Step 7: Extermination
Killing families of children and abducting more

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Interview with an Adult

Anthony Slaughter is the Director of Technology at Denver Academy

1.What is your knowledge of Joseph Kony and the LRA?

" He kidnaps boy at a young age and brainwashes them or threatens them into his army. He would kill the families if they didn't give in."

2. How did the Kony 2012 movement catch your awareness of what was happening?

"I saw fliers hanging around my school. Confused, I searched it up online."

3. What scares you most about Kony and his army?

"That Kony wont stop until a better military doesn't stand up to him to bring him down from his power"

4.What would you say to a Father like you who lost his son or daughter. to the LRA?

" Make it your cause to stop any other parent from losing their children. Do not disappoint your child.

5.What do you think drives a person to commit mass genocide or murder like this or one that have existed in the past?

"An unhealthy level of desire for power."

Interview with Student

Lauren Slaughter is a 16 year old student studying at Eaglecrest High School in her sophomore year.

1.What is your knowledge of Joseph Kony and the LRA?

"He captured young boys and girls. He turned the boys into child soldiers. He forced girls to become sex slaves. Using his army he caused mass murder(genocide) to the African people."

2. How did the Kony 2012 movement catch your awareness of what was happening?

" I was looking thrcough my Facebook News Feed and everyone was constantly sharing the video Kony 2012. At first I thought it was some video of a person running for election. I clicked on the video and I saw what was really going on."

3. What scares you most about Kony and his army?

"That it looks as if it may continue on for generations and the army may regain power if we still do not take action."

4.What would you say to a girl your age who had faced horrors like these?

"That is a hard question for me. I could never put myself into the shoes of someone like that."

5.What do you think drives a person to commit mass genocide or murder like this or one that have existed in the past?

"I think it is the human desire for power. Everyone thirst it. You experience it at school [Not at that level of course] People push other people down and away to climb there way up the social atmosphere."

Timeline of the LRA up to 2008

Info is scarce from than after.


Joseph Kony. Does it ring a bell? Two years ago On March 5 of 2012 a video was posted on YouTube changing the social networking atmosphere in a way we have never seen before. Once it was posted it gained instant popularity around the world through Facebook, Twitter, Tumble, and more. This video would soon be known as the phenomenon Kony 2012. It's now reaching the mile marker of 100,000,000 views. One of those views includes me. " A former Catholic altar boy from northern Uganda, Joseph Kony has waged war in central Africa for more than two decades.
He claims that his Lord's Resistance Army movement has been fighting to install a government in Uganda based on the Biblical 10 Commandments."(BBC news, Joseph Kony: Profile of the LRA Leader) This man wants to install a theocracy. You may understand why a person would want to but the tactics he uses to install this theocracy, is wrong and brutal. What would push a man to commit the terrible acts? That's the essential question. What are these terrible acts? Continue on to learn more.

Why would someone commit this genocide?

You could factually answer what the LRA's original purpose was. The LRA's  original purpose was to instate a Ugandan government based on the 10 commandments. That was until the LRA broke every single one of them. So this becomes more of a personal question of why you think the committed these crimes.  Through the LRA, Joseph Kony got his only way to power. His only reason of committing these crimes was to gain power. And he got everything he could ever dream of money, drugs, and any sexual pleasures he desired. With Joseph Kony's constant rise to power, there was no one to stop him. This was until the event of Kony 2012 . Bringing awareness to the crimes Kony had committed.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

When and where did these genocides take place.

The LRA had is beginnings in 1986. In Uganda Joseph Kony wanted to rebel again against the government and create his own one based on the ten commandments. In 2006 through military action, the LRA was pushed out of Uganda and it now exists in the countries of South Sudan, Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Today, not as strong, they commit the continuous crimes performed before.

What has Joseph Kony and The LRA done?

In 2006, UNICEF conducted a study revealing, that am estimated 66,000 children had been abducted my the LRA from 1986-2005. Keep in mind that these numbers have obviously risen in an 8 year period.
Abducted boys were trained to become child soldiers, and were told to kill or even mutilate the faces or their parents. Abducted girls were the sex slaves to the LRA's soldiers. Kony has been known to rape many of these slaves.

Who is Committing this Genocide?

"Joseph Kony,  (born 1961?), Ugandan rebel who led the Lord’s Resistance Army(LRA), a militia that terrorized northern Uganda and neighbouring countries in the late 20th and early 21st centuries."(1)
" The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) has been active since 1986, making it one of Africa’s oldest, most violent, and persistent armed groups." (2)
1:"Joseph Kony". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2014
2:Office of the Spokesperson. "The Lord's Resistance Army." U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State, 23 Mar. 2012. Web. 17 Feb. 2014. <>.
More in depth video.

What is Genocide?

Genocide is when a large group of people are deliberately murdered for race, religion, or cultural differences. Genocide has been around since the human race has begun. Genocide is sadly still happening today like the one you're about to learn of.